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case study.

Dynamic Business Blueprint is a program designed to help financial service professionals in expanding their practices by equipping them with tools to navigate challenges. Additionally, it unlocks further resources as they achieve higher milestones.


In my task to build a visual identity for this program, I used  the initials of the program (DBB) that I delicately designed as a maze incorporating roadmaps from point A to point B. This design reflects how the program serves not only as a navigation tool but also as a pathway to reaching new milestones.

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Besides designing the visual identity of the program, I was tasked with sourcing innovative direct mailer concepts to transform what might typically be considered junk mail into engaging interactive mailers. These ideas aim to captivate recipients' attention while effectively conveying the message.

DIRECT mailer 1

My first direct mailer featured an interactive maze encased in a branded belly band. Upon solving the maze, recipients could unlock the lids to reveal a gift card enclosed within. The mailer included a clear call to action prompting recipients to call for card activation and to discover more about the program.

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DIRECT mailer 2

For my second direct mailer, I delivered a step ladder directly to recipients' offices. The ingenious concept aimed to convey the message that nothing is beyond reach with the DBB program. By elevating their business to new heights, the program stands ready to assist in reaching even greater heights.

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The mailer's uniqueness, surprise factor, intrigue, unexpected nature, size, and precise messaging contributed to its resounding success. Recipients found it to be an unparalleled and memorable mailer, unlike anything they had received before.
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Collaborating closely with the web designer and social media team, I furnished them with landing page mockups, pop-up designs, and social media assets tailored for the digital campaign. Adhering strictly to the brand guidelines, I also crafted print materials for event booths and giveaways, ensuring consistency across all mediums.

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